Yarn: Nashua Handknits: Wooly Stripes
50 grams/ 1 skien
Finished size: 7" by 7", with 1/2" high sides and a separator line that is 1/4" tall.
Gauge: 4 SPI (gauge doesn't matter a whole lot since it will be felted)
CO: 40 on US 8
Simply knit a stockinette piece that is 10 inches long. When you cast off it should be around 10 inches by 10 inches. Throw in washer and felt. If you want the tray to be a different size just remember when you felt to knit the item 20% larger than you want it to finish.
While the piece is felting in the washer make or get a form that is around 7 inches by 7 inches. This will allow the sides to stand up around 1/2 inch. For my form i used a piece of styrofoam and using sewing pins, pinned the edges of the project to the sides of the form. When you do this, it will cause the edges to form points that don't fit on the form, don't worry this is what is supposed happen.
When the tray is dry, unpin from the form and then decide where you want the separator line to be. Once you have decided, wet that line. With document clips (shown in picture) pinch the bottom of the tray to form the separator line. When this section dries, take a matching or if you choose contrasting thread and sew the points on the corners, that were formed earlier, together. This will help the sides of the tray stand up straight.